Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cool Corals Continued!

Hello everyone. Before continuing on to more "cherry corals", I would like to introduce the "TRT Comparison Shopping Tool". The Reef Tank CST will officially launch tomorrow Monday the 19th on the online Reef forum Basically what it is, is that if you are looking for the best price on an aquarium item (including livestock), simply type in the item and the search engine will automatically find the best deals on the web - how cool is that!
Please go check it out!

And now the corals:)

So this pink and green echinophyllia chalice is one of the more common color morphs available. Looks spectacular under halides! Oh and these come in huge colonies. I've seen specimens over fifteen inches across!

Red carpets are pretty rare, even in Indonesia. I passed on this gorgeous piece as it wouldn't have made the transit - just too big. Just sitting there, it appeared to be around thirty inches across! I always urge the suppliers and fishermen to leave these monstrous living things in the wild.

Stunning orange rose anemone with purple tips from Flores - incredible!

Blue palys are always high in demand. This cute little piece actually has orange highlites in its skirt!

Metallic frogspawns are just amazing!

Green bubble corals are lovely (if it doesn't die during shipping!). Sometimes I get lucky and find one that is almost blue!

The best red gonioporas come from Sulawessi!

One of the more rare corals that took me a long time to id. This echinomorpha will form a nice green rim under halides!

As with many corals, the best metallic caulastreas come from Sulawessi!

Beautiful red palys are one of my favorites!

A basket of gorgeous Bali brains! The best ones come from not Bali, not Lombok, not Sumbawa, not West or East Java, not even Sulawessi, but you gotta go more east to Flores!

This brownish paly colony is actually red, and sometimes called "people eaters"!

Nice pink palys are always wanted!

Pink zoanthids are harder to find (believe it or not)!

Unusual zoanthid color morphs are always nice to see. This one has sky blue centers with bright green skirts!

Some donuts and trachys ready for export!

Sometimes we must pack the corals early in the morning. We usually spend the night organizing and preparing for the shipment.

A 150 watt double ended 14k metal halide pendant is rigged up at night. This is the only way I can actually see the true colors of the corals!

A basket of fungias ready for export!

Very unusal Acanthastrea lordhowensis. The heads are big as my thumbnail!


Ok guys that is it for today. I'll post more cool coral pictures in a few days. Don't forget to check out the "comparison shopping tool" at!


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