Saturday, October 4, 2008

Nha Trang - Vietnam Part 3!

Hello everyone. So let's finish off the "day in Nha Trang Bay".

A fellow tour boat parked in the same area as us.

We got back to our boat from looking at the reefs. Some of the other tourists were in the water swimming.

Nearby was this rest stop.

A floating rest area. Note the water slide on the left of the picture.
Some of other floating platforms were makeshift houses. People live on these things fishing for a living.

And finally lunch was served. The bench chairs were straightened out to form a table.

And here is the congee made with the urchin eggs. This little bowl cost $3, quite expensive considering the whole tour only cost $6 -$10. Good thing the other foods were free though.

And here is a close up of the urchin eggs. I must say, it tasted pretty good!

Some entertainment after lunch. Kind of old equipment but the guys were good!

It turned out that the crew knew how to play old folklore songs from every country! Our tour guide started out by singing an old Vietnamese song.

Next up was an Australian! They tried to get me to sing a Korean song but I told them I didn't know the lyrics:) Surprisingly I was the only Korean on board. We had tourists from all over the world - France, Holland, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, American Vietnamese, Australia, and even a Kiwi (New Zealand).

After our entertainment, everybody went swimming. Note the tour guide serving wine in the water!

Then we were off again. Me and Anne, enjoying a nice breeze!

A close up of that amusement park Vinpearl Island.

Another shot to the left of the picture above. Note the ferry on the left.

More construction being done on another part of the island. Definitely someone has some serious money to play with!

And here is our final destination, a kick back lounge area where you can swim in the bay or just relax on a beach chair.

A floating platform to play around.

Check out these dragon fruits growing over the ledge on this hillside of the island. I bet you didn't know that dragon fruits are a cactus fruit!

After about an hour of resting, it was time to go home. Fresh fruits were served on our way back to the mainland.

A local fishermen on its way out to do night fishing.

The same little van that picked us up took us back to our "2 star" hotel!

After cleaning up, we hit this local restaurant for dinner. I tried to take a picture of the crew but they were kind of shy.

After dinner, we took a walk along the main beach street. A carnival was going on!

We stopped at this table for a little gambling.

And here is Anne, trying her luck at "Nha Trang roulette"!


Ok guys that is it for today. The whole tour for $6-$10 is totally worth its money. A great way to meet people and have fun on the bay. I will do one more post about Nha Trang and then it's back to "Coral Adventures"!


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