Saturday, July 26, 2008

Off to Vietnam!

Hello everyone. So in about four hours, me and my wife will be taking off to Vietnam. Not only to visit my wife's family, but to check out some coral and clam exporters. I was supposed to set up a station there a few years ago but my Tonga operation started falling apart and I had to postpone the idea. Vietnam has a lot to offer and I really feel I can make something happen there. Besides clams, they have very nice soft corals. The best looking zoos come from this region. I remember I was snorkeling about 50 yards out on Phu Quoc island when I ran into acres of zoos and palys. The whole bottom floor was covered with these things. And the colors! Wow, all colors of the rainbow! And in just three feet of water!

Just so you know, Phu Quoc is a small island that belongs to Vietnam in the gulf of Thailand. Actually the island is closer to Cambodia and was used as a prison for holding communist prisoners during the Vietnam war.

This will be my last post for a while. Although if I can find high speed internet somewhere, I will post and upload pictures. So do check from time to time. I will return in three weeks to prepare a shipment to the US. And of course, I will have plenty of photos and stories to share with you all.

But before I sign off, I would like to introduce "Coral Paradise", an online retailer that will be carrying primarily my corals. As I always do, to help my customers promote my products, I have posted some pictures of corals that will be going on sale on Wednesday the 30th of this month. So yah, basically in a few days, Coral Paradise will have a bunch of nice corals and anemones for sale. The anemone collection that I sent is unbelievable. So if you are looking for a crazy rose bubble tip, metallic red or purple long tentacle, or a show sized red hadoni, keep an eye out for Coral Paradise.
The following pictures were sent to me by CP.

Ok, I wish I had sent this crazy acan, but I didn't. Too beautiful!

Wow, have a look at this red and neon green micromussa! I hear they have a good number of them in all sorts of colors! Must check it out!!

All right, finally one of my pieces! Can you say "rainbow blasto"?

I hear this crazy symphyllia is even more crazy in person! Check out the blue mouths - wow! wow!

Neon green glove polyps, also known as PNG glove polyps - lovely as a flower!

Killer red - magenta fungia! I hear someone is selling frags of this beautiful coral online. I can't imagine breaking up this little gem, and I hope CP doesn't!

Serious cherry blasto! I know, I picked it. Literally blue with red skirt! Can't ask for more.

One of my all time favorites, red yumas! A rare colony rock with three big heads! Gorgeous!

A single yuma - blue with green and orange stripes- very cool!

Oh dude, have a look at this! For sure it will be sold by the polyps! Extremely beautiful and extremely rare!

Blastos! blastos! - I love blastos!

So guys, Coral Paradise will launch their site on Wednesday the 30th of July. They have a good staff and I know the people personally.

One last thing, so I've been busy defending myself on an RC thread. Some of you may have heard of Walt Smith. He is one of the exporters in Tonga. Evidently Tonga is about to cut out the liverock quota for good. That means no more Tonga rock in the trade. Somehow in his twisted mind, I had something to do with that and came out really insulting me. Of course I responded with a flurry of right hooks and lefts. Go check it out. Here is the link.

Oh by the way, my handle on Reef Central is "Baliboy" - kind of fitting yah?


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