Friday, June 6, 2008

Gone Fishing Part 4!

Hi everyone. So let's continue onto my fishing adventures.

My wife Anne and Loren had already gone back to shore, as the water was starting to cover the rocks. Only me and Joyluck stayed to catch more fish.
But after awhile, the water was getting too high even for me. I actually had to carry Joyluck back in waist deep water. She was afraid of the waves.

Back at the shore, we decided to collect some turban snails to eat. They are quite tasty if you steam them and dip in Tobasco sauce! During high school days, me and my cousin used to come out here to camp over night on the beach during summer. We would cook Ichiban ramen noodles and boil crabs and snails for dessert. We used to kick back at night over a fire and roast marshmallows and talk about girls. Then in the morning, go fishing on the rocks. When the tide was too high, we would fish on the beach. It was loads of fun back in the days.

Here is a close up of the snails. If this was Asia somewhere, they would have all been wiped out already!

While collecting the snails, some of them were moving around very fast. It turned out that hermit crabs were using the shells as homes. These actually have blue legs. If they can adapt, they might be a good cleaner in our reef tanks!

Near the snails, this typical little shore lined crab was hiding in the rocks.

We ended up moving to higher ground as the water was coming in fast. We made camp on this large rock.

Another shore lined crab. This species is not as common as the other one and is very attractive. It has dark purple dots on its purple claws. It also has hairy tufts on its claws. We found this one at the base of our camp.

Joyluck was more interested in playing with the little crustacean!

Here is Loren fishing off of the large rock. Check out how much the water came in!

On the shore, near the big rock, I found this sea palm that had broken off of the rocks below. Normally these are found way out near the very low tide mark. These grow on rocks that get pounded by waves.

After all the hard work, I decided to take a nap. Like a good dog that Joyluck is, she is always near me, even when I'm sleeping!

Here is a red rock crab that Loren caught on his fishing pole while I was sleeping.

So after awhile we were getting hungry and it was time to leave. The water was starting to crash over our camp site. We looked at the beach and it was too late. The waves were crashing in! I have waders on so water is not a problem. But for my wife and Loren, getting wet was not in their minds. So we climbed up this cliff and found a trail.

Here is a picture up at the top of the small cliff. You can see the lighthouse way back in the far left hand corner.

So this trail was parallel to the beach and we thought we found an easy way back. Wrong!

The shrubbery was only ankle high to begin. Check out Joy's cute butt!

The trail ended up running along a wire fence. The other side was farm land. For sure, the fence was there to boundary the private property. Then the shrubbery got more high.

The plants and weeds were getting to be waist high! And the trail started to disappear!

Then we hit a wall of chest high weeds! There was no more trail and we had to turn back!

It was either go back to the original spot and climb down and get wet or climb down this very high steep slope!

Here is another shot of the cliff from below, kind of scary! But being the tough outdoors type of people we are, we managed ok with a few bruises.

I think Joy was tired from the climb too. She came over and sat between my legs. She is an old dog!

Walking back, I noticed this cool little rock. Perfect for gluing frags in the holes I thought!

The tide really had come in. We ended up getting a little wet, but managed to escape the full showers.

Joyluck ended up getting wet the most, probably because she stands only a few feet tall. I had to dry her off with a towel and clean her feet. She kept trying to lick me - so cute!

I didn't want her feet to get dirty again, so I picked her up to put her into the lexus.

Then we drove a little ways to the lighthouse. This is like a pit stop for motorcyclists and bicyclists.

Here is a sign near the lighthouse. It needs renovation and was closed down 7 years ago.

Another sign. This one shows different kinds of local sea birds.

A balcony that overlooks the coast - beautiful!

Like many lighthouses, there are hostels. Basically these are overnight places to sleep and camp out. Nothing like the movie "Hostel" though. This place is a great weekend get away for a bunch of friends. For more info you can check out this link

Inside one of the small buildings, there is a small museum that tells the story of the lighthouse. This miniature replica shows the details inside. For more info and the history behind this cool lighthouse, you can check out this link

Just outside the small building, a cute little bunny suns himself in the warm sunlight.

Check out this old piece of a whale bone near the trail around the lighthouse. We noticed it on the way back to the car - pretty cool!

We hopped back into the car and headed for town. We stopped to get some fruits at a fruit and vegetable stand along the highway.

Some local vegetables for sale.

We ended up buying cherries and peaches for the road. It would tie us over until we could hit our next destination - my favorite authentic Mexican restaurant in Half Moon Bay!


Ok guys, that is it on my fishing adventures. I hope you enjoyed my little story of my favorite pastime. When I'm on that rock, I totally forget all my worries and it is the best feeling. There are great places to fish here in Bali as well, but I haven't had the time to go check it out yet.

I just got back late last night from coral hunting and I'm still very tired. I will post pictures of corals tomorrow. As usual, I found some unbelievable stuff!!


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