Sunday, March 2, 2008

More Picture!


  1. hi eddie these are some stunning corals, keep up the great blog! hi from ireland :)

  2. Hey Owen casey,

    Glad to hear that I have fellow reefers in other countries following my blog. Thanks and keep in touch.


  3. hey eddie, i've kept a reef tank be4 but when i moved house i had to sell it :( currently have a 4ft that i'm gonna change to a cold water rock pool type tank! looking forward to starting it in the summer after my exams. it prob wont have the colours of your Bali corals but think it will look well when its done! am gonna get my chiller and powerheads from hong kong online hopfully as its a bit cheaper! theres a huge marke up on these here in ireland! love to see more on the local fish in the area! and just wondering do u do live rock as well? just wondering what bali live rock looks like :) keep up the good work!

  4. Hey Owen Casey,

    Is your name Casey Owens? Your name makes more sense this way.

    When I ran my service company, one of my clients had a cold water reef set up. It was very interesting. There are lots of anemones and inverts that are very colorful in the deeper cold water. Tomorrow I will do a post on LFS's and you will see some fish pictures. I will also do a post on liverock in a few days for you.

